Tuesday, July 5, 2011

This is what you really didn't know, this is where the truth don't lie.

In a time when nothing is more certain than change, the commitment of two people to one another has become difficult and rare. Yet, by its scarcity, the beauty and value of this exchange have only been enhanced. ~Robert Sexton

What a whirlwind week! Great times with my little family and my daddy got married to a sweet, wonderful woman. I have to be honest, my husband is what's gotten me through this past week and a half. I generally try not to rely on him for every single thing that stresses me, but it just comes natural when he becomes the only really dependable person in your life. Had some major freak outs- military ID missing, which means being treated like trash trying to get on post, making me late for my hair appt. Emily being cranky for the entire thing. Stressing about little details that in the end, didn't matter but felt frustrating when it was one thing after another. Blah. The wedding (and rehearsal) went off without a hitch, everything and everyone was gorgeous, my kids made me proud and walked right down that aisle without a fit or a complaint (even though I was concerned because neither of them care for large crowds). I got busted vandalizing the get-a-way car with chalk and "just married" decals. lol. I'm so happy for them and am excited to move forward as a combined family. :)

Before the rehearsal dinner.


Daddy took little man shopping- he cleans up pretty good. :)


my handsome ring bearer and gorgeous flower girl.

before the wedding. :)

reception food!

cropped for identity purposes- but this is post-reception.

On the flipside of that, I love them (my family) and will miss them. But I want to move. We miss my love and I accept military life, but he is my home and that's where we all belong. He made a really good point this weekend that while my life would change, it really wouldn't. What's the point in hanging around for friends and/or family who don't spend time with you anyway? (Some, not all. I have to give credit where it's due) "Oh, I'm going to miss you so much" is pretty empty when effort to make up for future lost time is a one-sided thing. I, personally, have other things to do. When someone or something is a priority, you MAKE time for it. I haven't spent as much time with a few family members as I'd like. It's going to be really hard to leave my grandparents and some of my cousins. Everyone has a life... and what you do with the time you're given does show what's important to you. As an adult, I can still make the effort to keep in touch and I think it will be fine. But what about the years that will be missed with my kids? And the years that have already been missed just by lack of effort (or caring). Eventually the military will take us somewhere else... and it's going to be hard to sympathize with people missing them when I -know- there were missed opportunities. Something or someone else was more important. So, it's time to start making the most of the time I have here... but I'm still wishing and praying to be somewhere else. Guess we'll see. But instead of stressing over the bad, I'm thankful for the support system we've had and for the people who are constantly there for all 3 of us. If you have -one- true friend, you're blessed. I have a few more than that. :)

Hmmm... what else? Hubby got us a pool! We got a great deal and the public pool prices here are INSANE. So, buy a pool for a really great price, get swimming AND I will never pay for tanning again during the spring/summer/early fall! That thing paid for itself. (I'm darker after my 2nd day in that thing tha nafter a whole 2 weeks at Celsius!) And it makes my babies happy (and so tired, thank you J!) so I'm looking forward to making time fly by the pool. Ready for our next visit to Texas (I was ready to hop in the car with him and get out of here, but there are things to be done). Hopefully we'll be spending our anniversary there!

Happy day-late 4th of July! Favorite holiday but obviously with my pyro padre on his honeymoon and my hubby back in TX, it was just me and the little man. My princess is NOT a fan of fireworks (but loves fire itself, go figure). I think it's the noise. Anyway... we had some fun the night before and did a few on the day itself... Kface made mama and daddy proud, for sure! Held his own sparklers and even a Roman candle!

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