Thursday, July 21, 2011

Always be kinder than you feel.

I should be sleeping, but I need to get this down before I forget.

Instead of brownie PIZZA... what about mini-bundt cake brownies, with the cream cheese spread and fruit on the individuals brownies? All the fruit slides around when I go to slice the "pizza" and I've been unsure of how to prevent this till tonight when I was dealing with my stinkin', ridiculous tupperware cabinet (who doesn't have one of those that's tricky? Tell me your secret.) and the mini-bundt cake pan just slid into my lap. Literally.


... Now I'm going to sleep. I'll leave you with our (belated) What's cookin' wednesday for this week. French toast with strawberries. Magnificent.

There's much more to share from the last... 2 days? But it's nearly midnight and I'll be lucky to get 5 or 6 hours of sleep at this point. Family coming in the morning and we're making strawberry shortcakes on a stick! I need to start experimenting with recipes before this party- what better to bring MY family together than something like this? Nada. Cannot wait!

Just because I can't get enough

1 comment:

  1. If you ever have problems cutting a dessert - always freeze it first and then make sure you have a sharp knife to cut it with. Leave it out for an hour or two before serving (or let it thaw in the fridge overnight). Mini bundt cake brownies would be much more cute and elegant though. Don't feel like you need to top them with many things though - no need for a sugar overload. The more simple the presentation the better (ESPECIALLY when setting up a food table). Perhaps just a dusting of powdered sugar, a simple shiny sugar reduction, OR you could thin out the cream cheese icing and then drizzle it quickly across the tops in a zig-zag pattern (or tint it pink to fit the theme!). Ok, I'll stop now. I live and breathe stuff like this, so I'm a bit obsessive. Let me know if you need any other ideas or recipes, I quite literally have an arsenal from all of the things I've catered over the years.
