Sunday, July 17, 2011

There is no love sincerer than the love of food.

I was so ready to kick my kiddos out of the kitchen this week. Then I remembered the quote I found in my cooking scrapbook from a good friend and changed my mind.

"When I was little, I always wanted to be in the kitchen, because it was warm, and that's where my mother was." -Dolly Parton

So, I made it fun and finally started the zebra print cupcakes I'd been wanting to do since I saw them in a book at Sam's club! Well, they were a bust. But the kids and I had a blast making them. They didn't turn out and I had to redo them tonight. It's been a hectic week(end) so I'm ready for Monday- time to relax. First things first:

Dora the Explorer eggs- love the commissary!

Mama's chefs in training.

Such a happy girl.

Always check your work!

Oh, I just love them!

My fabulous princess.

Cute as a button!

I found some of the coolest stuff when I started looking for more ways to branch out with them in the kitchen. We always seem to bake, but I really want to teach them OTHER things. So I was looking through ideas and recipes in random blogs and found a link for "Curious Chef" items!

Check this out: Curious Chef!
I mean, HOW COOL! Knives that cut fruits and veggies but not fingers. They come with other things (whisks, etc) that the kiddos already have from other places, friends or family members. There's a pizza making kit as well as boy and girl sets with aprons, etc. Most of the "cooking with kids" recipes I'm coming across are not the kind of recipes my kids would eat (or maybe that they'd eat, but I'M too picky to eat). I really need to work on branching out... I tried a salad with spinach leaves this afternoon and it was delish! I have no idea how I'd never had it in my salad before.

All that said... ideas for involving the kiddos in the kitchen? Recipes? I want to incorporate healthy foods- lots of fresh fruits and veggies!

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