Wednesday, July 6, 2011

a dream is a wish your heart makes. when you're fast asleep.

My last blog was a LITTLE dark and twisty. Some of this might go there too, given recent events. But mostly I want to share my ideas for my princess' princess party! I am too blessed to stay dark and twisty... so there you have it.

First... WHAT is with the jurors on the Casey Anthony trial? Really? I can wrap my mind around their verdict and the reasoning- but I don't understand it. The witch killed her baby, and now she's gotten away with it. Even if she admits it now on national television, they can't touch her. Double jeopardy. I keept hearing that someone else will come after her because everyone hates her... but that doesn't make the vigilante any better than the baby killer herself. I hate that she's not rotting in jail, but what's coming to her on judgement day is far worse than anything that anyone on earth could do to her. Justice WILL be served for Caylee, even if it takes longer than we'd like to see.

Secondly... I found my military ID. I was majorly stressing. I cried on Saturday because of how badly the guard at the gate treated me without an ID. made me get in the "visitor" lane behind a dozen cars (I was picking up food for the reception and already almost late), ON a strict time schedule and then the guy in the "visitor" lane didn't even inspect my car!! UGH! On top of that, some units discipline the soldier if an ID is lost, I would have to make a report with the military police to get a new one. Major bad news bears. Where was it? I separated K and E's clothes into different baskets and stacked them with K's on the bottom. So when I dumped his laundry out in his room last night, my face on that shiny pink card was just smiling (smirking) at me. What a dummy. Ugh. I called everywhere I'd been here as well as out of town for wedding prep. Big thanks to my hubby for keeping calm and not getting mad at me, as well as keeping ME calm (as it was possible for me to be.) haha.

As for this princess party.. I have so many ideas and things I want to do and I can't decide where to start. For the Royal invitations... disney princess cards that say "Emily" in pretty pink with shiny tiara stickers for the envelopes. The cake...

I'm kind of thinking of doing something like this in whatever flavor of cake that's different from the main cake.

Which will look like... THIS!

I have a friend who's an AMAZING baker/cake artist! I could not be more excited! If I could pull it off... I'd incoporate it:

HOOOOOWWWWW beautiful is this??

I have the background from last year... so I could TOTALLY pull off something like this if my hubby was okay with it.

Suggestions? Ideas? Websites?

I'm getting so excited. I have a feeling after this birthday, I'll have NO say in her party themes. I also need to find her a gorgeous dress and track down as many play dress up dresses as I possibly can for the party itself.

And of course, this has already been reserved!

Life is good.

1 comment:

  1. I had three military Ids at the end. Lost one in san Diego (wound up in my roommates bag). Lost another when my wallet was stolen (abandoned and returned) and so the military police have two reports from Me. Super quick and easy if you have a power of attorney. Not sure how people surviving without...
