Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A parent's love is whole no matter how many times divided.

Are there any other parents (mostly moms) out there who can't remember the last time they ate their food warm when it was first finished? haha. I have those days. I sit down and forget to grab their juices or sippy cups, OR I make their plates and put them on the table and by the time I make MINE and sit down one of them is saying "More, mommy, more" of whatever their favorite thing on their plate is. So I'm up again and have generally made 3 or 4 trips back to the counter or fridge before I get to my food. Just something that seems to be a reoccuring theme in my day. Not a complaint, just an observation. Suggestions on how to avoid this? I get so caught up in pre-cleaning before I sit down too, because I know they'll be ready to leave the table before me and then I'll have to wrangle them WHILE trying to do dishes and put away food. Which makes it -really- difficult for me not to be tempted by take out and pizza. My oh my.

I think I've found my muse, I'm not sure what it is- but it's been an inspirational week (ha, it's Tuesday- not a calendar week, you know, since last Tuesday when K was at VBS and Em and I were spending 2 hours a day in craft stores!). Honestly, something that had disconnected fell back into place and put things in perspective. I was ready to go back to a part-time job... I had had it with the S.A.H.M. (Stay at home mom) thing. Not because I don't want to be with them, but because when they DO have (rare) bad days, they're so bad that I'm thinking "What could I possibly be doing wrong as a mom to make them do THIS?!" I've come to realize that they're just kids- and overall, they're very polite and generally as well behaved as most toddlers. Anyway- I have a sense of fulfillment and purpose again. Like I'm genuinely doing something good with my life by raising these sweet babies and giving them the things they need. Maybe I'm growing up, but I find that the least likely conclusion. ;)

I digress.

So, here are the party invitations. I've decided to save the "Emily" cards for thank you notes or something similar. THESE are the new and improved princess party extravaganza invitations:

Ohhh, and these are a MUST! Strawberry shortcake on a stick, seriously?? Noms!

Photo from This fabulous blog! that I found via Pinterest! Which happens to be my newest addiction. It's invitation only or you have to request one, so if you want to join, let me know. It's got great ideas for just about anything and everything as well as quotes, photos, clothing trends, etc! Craft ideas for kids, recipes... anything and everything. I love it, and you will too. I promise. It's the next facebook.

I've also considered just doing the PB&J uncrustables instead of the tiara sandwiches. It's tea-party-esque, no mess AND I can get a TON of them at sam's for like $9.

I've been trying to come up with ideas to entertain the boys too. Even if it's only just Kegan, that's no fair, right? So... I think I'm going to try Dollar Tree! I love Target's $1 section, but they're so hit and miss, it's rough finding it at the right time. I'd love to make shields out of cardboard with the kid's names on them.

I came across this as an idea for summer to keep kids busy, I'm starting it next week!

Life is good. The only thing that would make it better is having our family together. I miss my husband, but I can't complain when so many of the people I care about are sacrificing time with their loved ones for our country's bigger picture. They're brave and strong and they inspire me. Love you, girls.

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