Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The purpose of life is a life of purpose.

I have no idea what I will do when I no longer have a built in friend/neighbor/family that is right across the street. Military wife friends are just not the same as other friends (the friends who have the best intentions but don't fully understand military life). It's nice to have good friends closeby- especially girls who "get it". :)  I was all panicked about the possibility of losing power- how will I keep my kiddos warm? What will I feed them if I can't cook or heat things up? How am I supposed to entertain them without power? I washed all the comforters, got the candles and flashlights out- we still have brand new toys from Christmas in the packaging because they just got too much stuff. And I'm pretty stinkin thankful for walmart selling multi-colored 20-ish pack of mini-playdohs for $1. That's right, ONE dollar. I was still a little freaked about the food part... but I was covered AND we didn't lose our power. If we had, her solution (which made me laugh out loud) was... "I have a grill." ahahaha. Love it!


This blizzard still stinks. Ugh. The snow has stopped but it's still HORRIBLE out there because of the wind and negative temperature. I shoveled my entire driveway and by the time I was finished another inch and a half of snow had accumulated where I started. Agh. Of course, I am almost out of salt and wasn't going to waste it while it was still snowing. Luckily, my kids didn't need a fancy dinner (as they literally ate all day long). Everyone I love is home and safe... I should really be sleeping. Maybe I'll dream up something profound for tomorrow or the next day. What else is there to do on a blizzard day? (Oh, I know... at least 1/4 of my 300 facebook friends were online ALL day entertaining each other). =] I think I'm going to start re-reading the Harry Potter series tomorrow.

Thought for the day: Appreciate what and who you have. This weather is truly terrifying and the thought of anyone I love being out in it, or hurt in it is devastating. No regrets, no procrastinating. Appreciate what you have before it's gone. You never know when it'll be your last chance to make a difference. I'm so thankful.

Life is like a coin. You can spend it any way you wish, but you only spend it once.
Lillian Dickson

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