Monday, January 31, 2011

Take care of your body with steadfast fidelity. The soul must see through these eyes alone, and if they are dim, the whole world is clouded.

Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.

It has become my one of my goals to not only get back in shape, but help and inspire others to do so. I will get nothing out of it, except warm fuzzies over knowing I'm holding myself and my loved ones accountable. [It helps to now have a partner in this goal, Thanks Kate!] Plus... I'm not always the most disciplined individual and kind of need to be held accountable. I got all stressed out for a straight week, lived on cereal, yogurt and water and dropped 7 lbs. Yeah, go me? lol. Till I went back to my "normal" and gained some back. I want to do it right this time. Making a list of things that help you to maintain a healthy LIFESTYLE, not just some sort of a "diet" that will fade with time.

Little things, big differences:
Drink water.
The more I drink it, the more I find myself craving it. It really is not only great for you, it's good. I used to love a cold coca cola. I won't even try to hide that... I've struggled with a sort of addiction to it for awhile now. But, it's not good for me. I refuse to give it to my kids because I know it's bad for them- so why should I put it into my body? When it's the middle of July and you're dying of thirst, do you want soda? How about on the elliptical machine at the gym? Probably not. I gave it up becaues the long term effects (weight gain, yellow teeth and possible kidney trouble) were NOT worth it. Water quenches thirst... and not drinking enough can cause you to feel hungry when you're actually just dehydrated (or thirsty). Before you give into the temptation to eat an unhealthy snack, drink a glass of water and wait awhile. Chances are, you'll feel fuller and will be less likely to overeat.

Make a list before you go to the grocery store.
This prevents making last minute unhealthy impulse buys that you'll regret when you're sitting there watching tv and not really paying attention to how many oreos you've eaten. There's nothing wrong with enjoying treats in moderation (if you don't allow yourself these things in moderation, it causes binging later)... but if I don't have a thought out list, I'm far more likely to find quick things like potato chips and frozen pizza more appealing. Things I normally wouldn't purchase if I had a plan.

Do NOT eat in front of the television.
This is something I swore I would never do. Children who have family meals regularly around a table are proven to have better grades, be more in touch with their families and have better self esteem. TV causes you to be distracted and maybe not realize how much you're eating . It also prevents you from communicating with your family. Studies have proven that overweight children eat generally 50% of their meals in front of a television. Now, I will be the first to admit... that when it is just me and my 2 children, it sometimes depresses me to sit down minus the head of our table and share a meal. He's not there to ask them about their day, and I already know because I was there breaking up arguments and cleaning up the messes. But I have chosen to turn it into a positive experience where THEY are given the chance to talk about whatever they want to and at dinner, share what they'd LIKE to do the next day. I believe that instilling this at a very young age will (hopefully) create good habits for them as teenagers and young adults. I don't want them to learn as toddlers that you should eat in front of the television (and not pay attention to what or how much you're putting in your mouth). I owe them the best example, habits, attention and healthy choices I can give them.

Keep moving:
I have been making a concerted effort to be moving as frequently as possible. Jillian Michaels insists that you shouldn't limit yourself to the boring old gym and I completely agree. Go outside... take your kids (or dog/s) for a walk. We took our kids to "Play, Bounce, Jump" and were all exhausted at the end of the day from jumping, running and sliding. It's nice to find family activities that keep you moving without really feeling like exercise. I can't speak for anyone else, but throwing a softball with my husband or kicking a ball around with my kids feels more like fun than a workout. It could be anything- playing at the park, going to the zoo, white water rafting, bike trails. All tons of fun, and all keeping you active!

 I love my soaps... I can't help it. I used to sit for almost 2 hours (off and on) 5 days a week during my 2 shows. Starting last year, I gave it up.... the sitting, not the soaps. I stand and fold laundry, do an ab workout or even use my wii fit plus! I sometimes have no idea what I'd do without that game! Wii fit plus allows me to do my free run or step workout WHILE watching whatever I want on television. It keeps track of your steps within your time frame (10, 20 or 30 minutes) and your approximate calorie burn! As a SAHM, there's not much reason NOT to be doing something- cleaning, laundry, cooking or chasing the kids! For working parents, there are also ways to move even behind your desk! I once saw on a biggest loser "training tip", Bob Harper was saying to use a yoga ball instead of an office chair. I'm sure you'd get a few strange looks for that one... maybe not? :)

No excuses.
It's easy to say "I'm too busy" or "I'll start tomorrow". I've heard (and been guilty myself) of starting fad "diets" on Mondays. What is that about? Maybe it makes it easier to keep track of? I don't know. But it all goes back to siezing the day. Make the change now because we aren't promised tomorrow. Set a goal and stick to it till it becomes a habit. Dieting is bad because fitness is a lifestyle, not a 3 month thing to get you into a bathing suit for summer vacation. Is that a plus? Yes it is. It's also a good way to motivate yourself. Choose a bikini or a pair of jeans or a dress you want to wear in your goal size and use that to push yourself when you feel like falling off the wagon. Not everyone is a self starter who can wake up, decide to get healthy and lose a few pounds and then just keep that up every single day without anyone or anything to keep them going. Set goals... and then do it. We only get one life, so why not make it count? No regrets.

My personal goal, the one that's keeping me going- is picturing myself the way I know I can be. Right before I got pregnant with my son, I was there. I didn't have a 6 pack, but my stomache was toned, I was tan and fit and almost to my goal waist size. What was I doing? Working at a gym that gave me free membership... and I was swimming. Lots and lots of swimming. It is truly amazing how fun and relaxing it is for such a great workout! (Did I mention the tan?) When I want to eat another portion of something I know I shouldn't, I remember that I CAN wear what I want to wear, look the way I want to look and feel good about myself. Giving up cupcakes and sodas is a small price to pay for feeling good in my favorite jeans or looking good for myself and my husband. And how about being healthy and (God willing) living a long life with my hubby... sticking around for my kids and their kids. What's my short term goal? I mini-getaway with my husband. Just the two of us on a beach, a weekend trip or the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. I want to wear a bathing suit and I don't want to go shopping for one and leave feeling like poop. I have photos of where I want to go, of myself before my pregnancies and the things I want to wear in random places to remind me of why I'm pushing myself. Those help too. :)

It's been incredibly cold and snowy here the last month or so. It can become challenging to stay active indoors especially with little ones that don't have much of an attention span. Today, the roads are icy and too dangerous for me to take my kids out and drive to the gym. Ideas? P90x. Jillian Michaels 30 day shred. Biggest Loser: Last Chance workout. Wii fit Plus. It's great to have a backup plan. What about keeping your kids fit during the winter months?  Dancing. Jumping jacks and running in place for kiddos- and I'm not talking boot camp. My kids LOVE to imitate mom (though, usually to drive me bonkers) during a workout or even just being silly. The upside to THIS is also that they will probably be really tired and ready for nap/bedtime! I know I sleep better when I'm active!

What are little changes you make to stay healthy and stay active? What do you do to help keep your family moving?

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