Tuesday, February 8, 2011

When writing the story of your life, don't let anyone else hold the pen.

I will never argue again when some man tells me that women are complicated. I wish I could, but I learned tonight just how young we become "complicated." I asked Emily if she was ready for bed and she said yes but asked me if she could watch a movie. Which one? Of course... the one Kegan wants to watch before he goes to sleep. Ruh-roh. His is the movie that was released by disney in 2001- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dinosaur_(film. WHY she wanted to watch it, I have NO idea because to me, it's terrifying for a 2 year old... so I tried to compromise and found "The land before time". 5 minutes into it she tells me she's scared, then that she's sad, then that the baby dinosaur is sad and she doesn't want to watch it anymore. Instead she chooses Shrek 2... and I have NO idea what the appeal is for my daughter who is obsessed with disney princess and baby dolls. haha. Complicated, right? I just adore her. Kegan is easy to please.. allergy meds, popsicle, teeth brushed, Dinosaurs and bed.

Didn't bother watching the superbowl... what's the point when my hubby's not home? I don't watch commercials EVER, so I'm certainly not going to sit through a 3 hour game. lol. Especially with all these people to point out the good ones! =) The kiddos and I watched "Despicable Me" and then they had a song and dance party- got some cute pictures out of that. Flashlights for microphones and all! We had our own little anti-superbowl party... they were cranky and exhausted all day long but STILL had insane amounts of energy. Gotta get those kiddies to sleep if I'm going to make it to the gym at 0900! I am so excited to get back into my workout routine.. having multiple people to be accountable to helps a lot. Who has the greatest friends ever? I do!

I need to set aside at least one day this week to do some major deep, power cleaning! Donating to the goodwill, giving away to friends, whatever it takes. Even after down-sizing over the summer, we have too much junk. Over the garage sale thing... suggestions on places to donate that will go to people who need it?

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