Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Happiness often sneaks in through a door you didn't know you left open.

Where to start? Ayiyi... what a last 2 weeks. Em got a cold, gave it to K which turned into an ear/upper respiratory infection. Back on anti-biotics that didn't fully kick his cough and only made it worse when he got the flu and the coughing led to more vomiting. I felt so sorry for him. Today he was running a fever and because of all the tummy trouble and vomiting, I was worried about the sudden fever, lethargy, etc. He got some good medication and was feeling much better by the time we got home- he fell right to sleep.

We had the hubby home this past weekend... it was everything we needed it to be, except long enough. Mostly we were out and about, watched a few movies at home and mostly enjoyed each other's company. Pictures are worth more than words:

Happy hearts all around. <3

Mi amor. :)

Our happy chalk family. Yes, he made us hold hands on purpose. =)

He's the best.

My hubby is a rockstar. And his wife is an awesome photographer. Yep.

Love, love, love!

Monday was dreadful... I went to the gym and my heart wasn't in it. Spent the rest of the day watching Grey's, went to dinner and a church meeting with dad... and then Em got sick that night. She went right back to sleep and was fine by the next morning. We headed to the gym and K got sick in the car.. and we've been home for 2 days. While we were at the hospital tonight, Em had a playdate with her bff.
SO grateful for our family across the street... tonight would've been awful without them.

Love these sweet girls. :)

Otherwise, nothing new. I need to start kicking butt at the gym again... as soon as the kiddos are better, that's where I'll be. Lost a pound.. blah. But, I'm toning, so that was the point. It's getting more difficult to be away from Jer, so we're trying to stay occupied. Planning a trip to TX next month- that's helping! Sea world AND we'll be roadtripping with our pseudo family.

Closing.. So extremely grateful for my amazing husband. On Monday, all my babygirl wanted to do was play with Thomas the train and Disney Cars. Tuesday, I changed her dressup clothes SIX times. haha. Seriously. Today wasn't much different (except she wore the same one for 2 1/2 hours vs changing every half hour) and then she did hair and "makeup" with her little best friend all evening.

I'm so thankful to be here... to spend enough time with them to notice such a huge change in her likes/dislikes/personality from Monday to Wednesday. I'm so blessed. :)

1 comment:

  1. Pei pa koa is pretty decent cough medicine (from herbal as I remembered), great non alcoholic medicine, some western cough medicine are more effective, but this is non drowsy.

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