Friday, February 11, 2011

Believe in yourself, trust the process, change forever.

Several things... can't decide where to start. =]

Em keeps bringing me her play food on plates and in bowls and saying "Eat more, mommy, MORE!" haha. I just love her, and I love that she's actually starting to PLAY instead of just making a mess in her room. So far, a slice of pizza on a princess plate, a whole chicken in a bowl, and a cupcake.

I'm completely addicted to I LOVE it. Tried a new spin class with T this morning and it was awesome!! Of course, I'm feeling it now... but it was a great workout and the stretching afterwards was relaxing. :) The tanning- eh, I may be a little burnt. ha. The end result will be worth it... even with the skin cancer lectures every other day. Ugh. I go one month (not even every day) out of a year- it will be oooookay.

It feels so good to finally be doing things for myself. January was a difficult month for me, so it's really feeling like February was my "new year" startover. I have energy, I'm happy... life is good. I really, really miss Jer... but we can't have everything, right? He'll be home next week to visit and I couldn't be MORE excited. 6 weeks is entirely too long... but I don't have a right to complain because I spoke with an army wife today who was 2 weeks from her hubby's R&R. :(

Girl's night! Got my hair trimmed and my eyebrows done... dinner and we're seeing "the roommate". It's just been me and the kids for almost 6 straight weeks 24/7 (except my gym time, but even today I had to stop my workout because Em needed to be changed). I am ready for some time away- I'll miss them. :)

There comes a time in life, when you walk away from all the drama and people who create it. You surround yourself with people who make you laugh, forget the bad, and focus on the good. So, love the people who treat you right, pray for the ones who don't. Life is too short to be anything but happy. Falling down is a part of LIFE, getting back up is LIVING.

1 comment:

  1. i really like that bottom quote it couldnt be more than true :)
