Thursday, February 3, 2011

I'm feelin' like a star, you can't stop my shine.

Awhile back, a friend suggested that I start keeping track of the funny things my children say [thanks, jamie- they'll thank you later!]. It makes me miss that old show, what was it called? "Kids say the darndest things". I've tried really hard to keep notes of them in my personal journal, but of course, I get tired and forget. Til' tonight.

I'm making a concerted effort to use dinner time to focus on them and hear whatever it is they want to talk about. There are 2 collage frames in my kitchen that never made it on the walls when we moved into this house... so they're sitting in my kitchen (and will probably need to be updated soon). K stares at them for at least 2-3 minutes, points at the photos (one is shown below) and then had some questions for me.

K-"Mommy, why are you in the hospital?"
Me- "Because, I was having a baby- you and Emily."
K- *Ponders* "I was dead?"
Me- "No, baby... you were born. You're alive."
K- "Before I was born, YOU were dead?"
Me- "No.. I was alive, and then you were born and you're alive too."
K- "And Emily was born too."
Me- "Yes. That's right."

I wish I could say I was looking forward to answering all the hard questions... but that was a bit of a tough one and he wasn't even asking about actual death. Or the "where do babies come from" talk. I love having smart children... but I have a feeling it's going to lead to tough conversations at younger ages. And the younger the age, the harder it is to word.

Funny story number 2? (That's only funny AFTER the fact) I was taking a quick shower sometime last week in a rush to get out the door to run an errand or two and hurry back home. I fed them and sat them down to watch a movie while I got ready... Kegan runs into the bathroom shouting "Fire, mommy, fire!" In the movie, there was fire- he obviously didn't specify. I was scrambling to find out what was going on and freaking out. Oh my goodness. I can't tell him not to come to me in the event that there was ever an emergency- but uh... that wasn't ideal. haha. I felt ridiculous and he was thrilled by how I reacted. Agh. It's funny NOW- but it certainly was not when it happened.

saved as a draft and continued the next day... sorry. :)

So tonight I was having major issues with getting K to clean his room. I'm not sure what the deal was but he just wanted to play and make a bigger mess. Agghhh. I told him to come get me when his room was clean and I'd have chocolate milk and a snack waiting for him... he comes out and says "Mommy, I cleaned up all my toys. Tomorrow I will make a mess and clean it again. Can I sit with you?" So... he climbed up on the couch and we watched some "Grey's Anatomy" and he was telling me how some guy had gotten hurt and that's why he was in the hospital ER. lol. He was on the phone saying goodnight to his daddy and he says "I threw the ball and the dog picked it up in his mouth. Then I played with playdoh and mommy made me a shark." I enjoy hearing the things like that... yes, I'm a sentimental fool.

FINALLY started watching "Grey's Anatomy" and I might be a little bit addicted. Luckily, I have a husband who is as supportive as it's possible to be when it comes to things like that. :) I'm kind of loving it- and I'm grateful that when I finish S4 of "Brothers & Sisters" [after I obtain it, that is]... I'll have something else to look forward to. Evenings are getting pretty long and difficult after the kids go to bed, I somehow end up at odd hours watching these shows instead of sleeping. It's a coping method, don't judge me.

Back to the gym I went! I tried for over a week and a half to get in touch with the doctor and they still aren't returning my calls. So when I got an invite to go to the gym this afternoon with T, I decided it was time. I'd love to say that I feel great, but I am tired- the good kind! haha. Tomorrow we're doing a super sculpt class at 0930 that will probably make me want to lay on the couch for the rest of the day... I can't WAIT! It's nice to have my butt kicked again! I'm also doing P90x AbRipperX on the side, just because I love it! I really want to try Insanity (which is also part of the beachbody fam!)... thoughts, anyone?

I am not a fan of the below zero temperatures... I'm beyond ready for spring! Is there anything better to get warm than hot tea? Mmm. :) [besides the naughtier choice: hot cocoa!]

No thoughts/rants for the day. My head is feeling pretty clear for the first time in a couple of weeks. Elliptical machines and good friends will do that for you. :)

Though I AMMMM loving this song:

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