Thursday, January 20, 2011

Love like crazy.

New year, new outlooks. I'll be the first to admit that in high school, everything that came along that didn't go my way was a "crisis". Or at least I thought (and acted like) it was. I got older... and bigger things happened that also felt like crises. I was pregnant and unmarried. We got married and he had to go away for a 2 week "AT"- the longest I'd been away from him. 5 months into our marriage, we were pregnant again. All of this happening in our first two years together. I was raising a toddler and a newborn baby... more crises. We find out he is deployed within the U.S. but we still have to stay behind for as many as 17 months. That was the biggest yet. Family in the hospital, K having severe allergies. All of these things could be considered "big" and certainly challenging. But all of them are temporary. People and (some) relationships are temporary, but memories are not. Take the good and leave out all the rest. Life is too short to do anything else.

I'm so over it. It's time to enjoy life... everything will have its challenges, but there is good in it also. My husband and kids have been the biggest blessing. I had to put in the blood, sweat and tears to get to where I am now... and I appreciate it more as a result. K had a nightmare last night... at 3 in the morning I hear him whisper "Mommy, mommy, I'm scared. I want you, mommy. Please?" I went in there and picked him up.. gave him a hug and told him I loved him and that he was safe with me. He was back asleep within 30 seconds. There are no words to describe how amazing that is. Just because you're here, I know I'm safe.  I did that. I promised them the day they were born that I would always be there for them... I guess I've fulfilled that thusfar. It's only going to get more difficult, but I'm blessed to have that opportunity. I hate not seeing him every day, but I am so proud of what he is doing and who he is. I'm lucky to have a husband who is loving, honest and faithful. Who doesn't blow me off for video games or his friends. Who loves and adores his children and has just as much fun going to Disney on Ice as a family as a football game with his friends. What would I do without my amazing family? So from here on out... I'm going to find good in every situation, no matter how challenging it may be. Everything happens for a reason and there is always meaning.

Life is too short to:
Take life for granted
Take people for granted
Miss an opportunity
Not better yourself
Not forgive
Not to experience new things
Say "I'll do it tomorrow"
Not enjoy what you do
Not do what you enjoy
Not to cherish the people you love
Not tell the people you care about that you love them
Be close-minded
Not slow down and appreciate what you have
Be healthy
Make a difference

Life is too short and I'm not going to waste another minute of it. I'm not going to sit back and wait for life to happen... it IS happening and I refuse to let it pass me by. I'm not going to take the things i have for granted... these two precious little gifts and my second change to re-live everything through their eyes. Today... the magic of snow. Teaching them things and remembering how exciting it all was- and still is if you stop to really think about it. I have a great family and good friends... I just needed to be reminded of that. It took a long chat with a good friend to open my eyes. I don't need anything to be forever... because right now things are pretty freakin' good.

It's pretty simple... be a best friend. Tell the truth. Overuse "I love you." Never let your prayin' knees get lazy... and love like crazy.

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