Saturday, January 22, 2011

Ready, set, snow!

My hilarious furbaby just ate a hot tomale (red cinnamon candy) and is trying to impress me with his fresh breath. hehe. My sweet little Mack-y-poo... what would I do without him?

The only thing that could've made these last few days better is, of course, my husband. As long as the roads are clear (or as long as I'm not driving in it), I am loving all this snow! 4 more inches tonight- there was some pretty heavy snow driving home from my dad's.Everyone's complaining, but... you live in the midwest. Comes with the territory. :) It's been a nice family weekend... we went out for daddy's birthday dinner and then played a domino game I hadn't played in at least 8+ years. Much, much fun! So much that we did it again tonight- except my dad and his fiance cooked a dinner that was, hands down, 10 times better than Outback last night. The kiddos have loved all the grandparent time and I'm sure that went both ways. I should really take advantage of living so close to my family while we do. So, effective immediately- that's added to my 2011 "resolutions". You don't need a "new year" to change your lifestyle, by the way. Carpe diem. Do it now... at 11:15 p.m., 2 a.m. Set a goal and make it happen, I dare you. :)

Friday afternoon was another snow day play day since I wasn't up for it Thursday. Everything is just beautiful and quiet... and when it's actually snowing, it's almost enchanted. I had almost forgotten until I got to relive it with my kiddos. I really wanted to make a snow fort, but that isn't happening with 2 kiddos. Which is why I'm so psyched for tomorrow afternoon... We're teaming up with my friend across the street and her kiddos to make one! Yes, I'm giddy. I won't lie, I'm not ashamed.

Thought for the day:
Be an adult, but enjoy things as if you were a child again. See them with fresh eyes and appreciate them. My kids get excited over goldfish crackers and playdoh. I wish I were as excited about anything as they get when I let them bake with me or play in the snow. It's really sort of beautiful... and I want to be just like them.

Photos from our snowday!!

Just the driveway. Oh, my aching back. haha.

For my love! <3

Hiding from little man- he was all about the snowball fights.

My turn!

Precious snow angel.

He wanted to make a mini-snowman. Snow.. baby?

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