Friday, January 21, 2011

We all have big changes in our lives that are more or less a second chance.

If you don't like something change it; if you can't change it, change the way you think about it.  ~Mary Engelbreit

I woke up today and I just felt good. Good about where I am and where I'm going. I've been focusing on so much negative these last few days (and probably weeks) that I wasn't seeing all the blessings that were right in front of me. Things aren't easy right now, but it's not the end of the world. One way or another, we WILL work through it, and I'm sure we'll probably learn some things along the way. The bad things are temporary... but so are the good things. Which is why, I've realized, it's so important to cherish them.

I hate that my husband is not here with us right now. I miss him more and more each day that passes. I want to hug him and cook for him and just be together. I even miss picking up after him (but, that's between us and if confronted, I will deny). haha. However, he has a duty and an obligation to the military and to our family. We have food, clothes and a roof over our heads because of him. Our children don't have to go to daycare and be with a stranger, because of him. They can nap in their own beds (if ever they should choose to do so, lol. not lately), play with their own toys and if they need or want their mama, I am right there. We don't have to worry that they're being mistreated or wonder if the care provider has a hidden agenda. It's difficult, but it's temporary. And this time will make me appreciate having him home that much more.

Em is becoming so strong willed. I can see already that her teenage years are sure to be interesting. The smarter she gets, the more challenging she becomes... our little hard headed child. She wants to jump on the bed and spin on the computer chair... I think she's figuring out how to milk the "baby of the family" thing. Okay, she thinks she's figured it out- I think her charms work better on daddy. When I get on the computer, she rushes up and gets in my lap and says "Daddy?" Skype fascinates her. It makes me happy that she'll have the relationship with her daddy that I have with mine. It's one of the things I wanted most for her.

Speaking of my daddy- Happy birthday wishes! I'm so fortunate to have been raised by him.

K is good. Learning his letters, writing his name... it's slightly devastating to me that my baby will be old enough for Kindergarten next year. He's turning into such a wonderful big brother also. Going to the gym (daycare) and being in their Bible class has allowed me to see different sides of him. He really does look out for her already... how would I have ever known that at home when they're fighting over a toy or just annoyed by one another? I'm so proud of my little protector. :)

I haven't had soda in 3 days... and surprisingly, haven't even missed it. That plus only having an appetite for cereal and yogurt, I'm starting to lose weight and notice a difference. Clearly I cannot just live on yogurt, water and cereal... but eating LESS and not drinking caffeine has made a difference. I shoveled the driveway yesterday after the snow plow had gone down our street and created an over knee-high snow bank at the end of it. My back was feeling back to normal and now it's a little sore again, but still no where near as bad as it was.

I've got some new recipes on the menu for the next week or so. Slow cooker chicken noodle soup, a new beef stroganoff and a side dish or two. It's hard to continue trying new things when I don't have much of an appetite, but I'm sure once I start my regular exercise again, that'll change. Hello crazy metabolism. I am so excited for all the fresh fruit that will be back in season... these winter months are so long without it.

Thought for the day:
Don't let anyone or anything get you down. Everything happens for a reason and it's our responsibility to find and pursue the best possible outcome for ourselves and our loved ones. When one door closes, a new one will open. Never, ever lose faith.

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