Wednesday, January 26, 2011

I feel a recipe is only a theme, which an intelligent cook can play each time with a variation.

“Noncooks think it's silly to invest two hours' work in two minutes' enjoyment; but if cooking is evanescent, so is the ballet.”

-Julia Child

I'm still learning and finding my "niche" in the kitchen. Still find myself missing some of the necessities that I should've remembered while I was at the store. haha. Like running out of taco seasoning on taco night or almost running out of whatever it may be. The good news is, I'm able to improvise. Then it occured to me that everyone's "staples", kitchen essentials... are probably different. My must haves used to include meat (pork, ground beef, chicken and steak), tuna, hot dogs, macaroni and cheese, hamburger helper, seasoning salt, ground beef and different kinds of pasta. NOT exactly healthy- just quick, easy and kid and husband-friendly. I rarely used flour or sugar or seasonings of any kind, I never would've considered adding some sort of soup mix (pouch form) to my food. There are a lot of essentials that I keep around... but the things I had never really considered before are must-haves now. I try to keep fresh veggies and/or fruit around, but that's difficult to always have, since you'll run out of some things faster than others. My kids would eat an entire cantaloupe in one day if I'd let them, but it takes a whole week to finish a bag of baby carrots. I cannot wait for summer when the fruit is fresh and not ridiculously expensive! I'm having to use frozen strawberries for my strawberry shortcake tonight... not ideal, but it's better than nothing. [By the way, this is a light, relatively healthy dessert that is still to die for!] I (except this week) ALWAYS keep taco seasoning and stand 'n stuff shells on hand... just in case I'm feeling lazy or don't particularly want to cook. I'm working towards whole grain shells, but Rome wasn't built in a day. That's a 10 minute meal that's always a family pleaser. I still keep hot dogs and mac and cheese because, hey, my kids are 2 and 3 1/2. It's not all they eat, of course.. but, it's sometimes necessary with our schedule.

 I always have to have ranch packets in the pantry- dip for veggies (light sour cream is a must have), sauteed mushrooms or seasoning meat or potato dishes. I always try to keep crescent roll dough because it can also be turned into just about anything- dessert, lunch, snack or dinner side. Plenty of snacky stuff- applesauce, whole grain goldfish and things of that nature. But then I find it's a slippery slope and anything can be considered a staple. I have almost a half dozen in every category except "bakery". ha... when you love to cook, you "must have" a lot of things. This is why I always make a list... it keeps me from making unhealthy choices, helps me remember things (since I'm already juggling toddlers and coupons) AND it's proven to save money. I am completely in love with the steam-in-the-bag veggies! They're fresher that way AND easier/less expensive than cans. They save me from dirtying another pan at mealtimes, and I'll take it if it simplifies my evening routine by even 1%.

Seasons also have a huge impact on our necessary items. During the holidays (Halloween-New Years), I find myself using a lot more baking items- flour, sugar, cinnamon, chocolate chips seemed to be on my list at least once a month this past holiday season. During the summer, sandwiches, salads or just raw foods (things like fruits, vegetables, nuts) that don't involve cooking indoors. We try to grill a lot during the summer and even fall. I'm never as hungry (or as inspired to stand over a hot stove) when it's 100 degrees outside. As opposed to Mid-January when it's 1 degree outside and I am looking forward to that bowl of hot chicken noodle soup with a grilled cheese sandwich.

None of this even taps into kitchen utensils or appliances. I got a laugh out of a "Brothers and Sisters" episode where Sally Fields mother informs her that she's not ACTUALLY cooking because she's got some many small kitchen appliances and gadgets. I happen to love my Ninja blender, my disney princess waffle maker, apple corer and my countertop griddle. I truly believe we would eat out constantly if not for the crockpot. But most of the others, I didn't use enough to justify keeping and had to say goodbye. I sold my standing mixer (and I kind of miss it, I won't lie), automatic can opener (because, let's face it... it's lazy and it takes longer) and even the deep fryer. They're just not things I use frequently enough to clutter my already minimal cabinet space with. If I had the room, I'd want it all. :)

So what are your must haves? The kitchen essentials you couldn't get through the week (or even day) without? Perhaps a coffee maker? Smoothie blender? A lot of people rely on their microwave or a toaster oven. I'd never thought about it till this morning, but we almost have just as much of our own style in the kitchen as we would with what we wear.

Feel free to share... I really am curious!! :)

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