Thursday, April 21, 2011

"I'm a mother with two small children, so I don't take as much crap as I used to."

"No one who cooks, cooks alone. Even at her most solitary, a cook in the kitchen is surrounded by generations of cooks past, the advice and menus of cooks present, the wisdom of cookbook writers."

I finally made the chocolate cake I'd been planning so I could use the oreo icing I'd purchased awhile back. I didn't have cupcake paper so I decided to just do a giant cupcake cake. I baked it too long but managed somehow not to burn it... set it on the counter to cool (it turned out MUCH better than my last one!) and about a half hour before I was ready to go ice it, Kegan runs up to me and says "Em is eating your cake!" Sure enough, there was a fist-full missing. Seriously. I've been procrastinating this cake for weeks and the day I finally made it... GRR! I could've cried. But, o'well. I can make another cake and perhaps this was my karma for doing it while she was asleep instead of baking it with them. :) I'm headed out soon to go look into these cake classes and I could NOT be more excited! My only obstacle at this point is childcare... I hate not having a sitter when I need one! I never do anything for me so I'm hoping just this once it'll work out. Cross those fingers! :)

A K-face story? Okay. I was making dinner yesterday (a chicken taco recipe that is the creation of a good friend) and K says "Mom, I don't like tacos". Normally I make him eat whatever we're eating because I cannot teach them that they can just refuse to eat what I make. This time, since I had leftover pizza and salad mix, I made an exception. As he's walking out of the kitchen to take it to his room (another exception since Em was napping and the husband still wasn't home) he goes "Thanks, mom. You rock!" He's never used that phrase before so I had to ask him to repeat himself and he said all slowly "You... rock." *smile* He's such a charmer. :)

I need to start cooking and baking more. I miss it... I really need a muse to get excited about it again. Cooking for toddlers who rarely eat or appreciate what they're putting in their mouths isn't exactly "inspirational". I'll work on that too. Maybe they'll enjoy it more if I make them apart of it? I'll keep that in mind when I plan my next menu/grocery lit. :)

I keep having these terrifying dreams that usually end in me protecting my kids from something or someone. I know that's my instinct... but the older and more curious they get, the more I worry for them. The more I am dreading them going to school and being away from me (where I'm unable to protect them from anyone or anything that might harm them in any way). It makes me sick. I know it's a part of parenting, but with K right around the corner from school age, it's starting to really make me aware of things I never had to think about before. I love being a young mom, but I'm almost certain this will give me grey hair before my 30's. lol. They are so sweet and precious to me... I just cannot believe how fast it's going. How smart they are and how much they change every single day... it makes me grateful (even though, not always) that I didn't miss a thing. <3 I'm not sure what I would do without a husband who values these things too, I'm so fortunate.

"Noncooks think it's silly to invest two hours' work in two minutes' enjoyment; but if cooking is evanescent, so is the ballet."Julia Child

"Kids go where there is excitement. They stay where there is love."
Zig Ziglar


  1. You can totally cook for me and I will appreciate it!
    Good talk yesterday. Thanks for reminding me of the important things. :]

  2. I hated taking Saria to day care. I felt replaced. But I think it was good for her.
