Thursday, April 5, 2012

Silent gratitude isn't much use to anyone.

My day started like this:

My son woke up before my daughter, which is semi-unusual this late in the week. I was going to throw together some chocolate chip muffins (the betty crocker from the packet version) since I'm in a bit of a hurry today. He sweetly asked if he could help and then it occured to me that he could actually do them on his own as long as I measured for him. So I put the 1/2 c. water on the counter with a small bowl and the muffin mix. He added them together, stirred them up pretty well and I gave him a measuring cup and a baking pan. While he was stirring...

K- "Mom, is tomorrow your birthday?"
Me- "yes, baby. How'd you remember that?"
K- "Well, I'm so excited that I'm going to SCREAM!"
Me- "Why's that? haha. You know it's MY birthday, right?"
K- "Because, mom. I love you. You take care of me and do everything for me. And you protect me. So I'm excited about you."

Oh. My. Goodness. It's a miracle I didn't break into tears right then and there. I'd be lying if I said I hadn't struggled lately. They're 3 and 4.. but I spend 363 days out of a year feeling like the things I do are not appreciated. And that's okay, because part of being a good mom is not NEEDING recognition for the things you do. I do them because I love my family, and because that's my job. God blessed me with beautiful kids and a wonderful man, I'm happy to take care of them. However, it is VERY nice to feel like the effort you put into making sure they have food they enjoy eating and that their favorite clothes are always clean don't go unnoticed. That they know that those things don't just appear and that it required thought, planning and time that you give of your own free will. I am happy to accept those 363 days.. but this one (or two days) of him just taking the time to say "Mommy, I know what you do for me. And I am overwhelmed with love, and I am grateful for you" is hands down THE best birthday present I ever could've asked for. It makes me feel hopeful that I am raising a boy who will make me even more proud as a loving, appreciative, respectful, God-loving man. My little girl thanks me constantly. I pick up dirty laundry off her floor and she runs in there with a grin on her face and sparkles in her eyes saying "Thank you for cleaning my room, mommy." They're both really good about food (especially when they help prepare it). I usually hear something like "Mommy... you are the BEST cooker ever!"

I am blessed beyond measure. When a day starts like this one... it is impossible that it will not be a great one.

Hope everyone enjoys their long weekend. Hubby is off for my birthday tomorrow, we are hunting for Easter eggs on Saturday and Sunday will be the grilling/water fun. Cannot WAIT!

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