Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Oh my mama told me, there'd be days like this.

Yesterday was dreadful. Awful. Horrible. My charming son decided he would paint a small spot on his wall and brand new dresser with purple nail polish in the five minutes it took me to run downstairs, switch over laundry and shuffle around a few boxes. How did he even manage to get a hold of it? My sweet, ornery daughter stole it from the bathroom and left it in a common area. Normally K knows better and would NEVER do anything like this- I'm sure he just felt creative and didn't want to ask me for the art set he doesn't really remember he has. Yikes. So I went into my kitchen to cool off because I was extremely frustrated and my dog brought me -another- present to the back porch. I'm not sure how his mind works or why he wants to bring me what he seems to think is "food", but I was in a position that I had to be the one to deal with it and I definitely was already ready to pull my hair. Then the kids napped late and didn't want to go to sleep. Thankfully, today was better. MUCH better.

So I went a little crazy... got a pedicure and chopped off 5 inches of my hair in one week. haha. I haven't had short hair in a couple of years (not this short) and I haven't had a pedi since I was pregnant with my son. Time flies and all that jazz.

Before hair:
 After hair!

I wasn't sure at first. From the first picture, which I LOOOVE, I'm sad about it being gone. But summer is coming and life is crazy so the short hair is just better right now. I fully intend to start growing it out later in the year and through the winter. Plus, am I the only one who's hubbs has said "It looks great honey, but what did they do to it?" haha. Not every time, but I fell into a pattern with the same style and cut and I can't blame him for not being able to see the difference in the past.

In other news, I've started the spin classes again. Loving them and definitely planning to start doing them more regularly! I hurt my shoulder so it's been difficult to push myself in other parts of the gym, but I'm working through it so I'm not -too- disappointed.

What are everyone's plans for mother's day as a mom yourself or in honor of your mom/stepmom/grandmother/sister?

Finally throwing our garage sale together this weekend and I couldn't be more excited to purge my life of all this excess STUFF! We have 3 toddler beds (one of which is a Thomas the train that retails for $275 at toys r us!), toddler clothes, adult clothes, kitchen stuff, household stuff, a little bit of furniture. 3 different families are participating so it should be great! =D

Oh how I wish I could say 'Happy mid-week'. Is it really only tuesday?

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