Monday, November 29, 2010

Some days are for living. Others are for getting through.

"I can be selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best."

[I should preface that this isn't because of something that was said to me, or something that happened. Just something that's bothered me over the course of several months as a result of things I've read/heard from others. NOT directed at me particularly.]

 Since when does saying you had a bad day translate to "whiney" or "ungrateful"? Last I checked, everyone has them, and everyone complains once in awhile. This world would be full of mistrust if everyone pretended life was peachy ALL the time because it would mean a lot of lying, correct? So WHAT? I have 2 toddlers and a husband in the military... I get to be a mess sometimes. Don't judge me. I love my children, they fill my heart with every happy emotion in existence. My husband is a truly wonderful man and I am proud to stand behind him. That said, doesn't it make MORE sense to just admit when things aren't okay and allow someone to be there for you? Or just admit it and be left alone to feel better without being expected to smile it off? I'm thankful my husband is safe and sound. I'm thankful that if we need him, he can be here and that he can be home for holidays, etc. I'm thankful for his love and devotion to our family and his service to this country. I'm thankful that our kids are healthy and happy and that I have the opportunity to be with them every day. But they're also fragile in a world of chaos, and that's terrifying. They're also 2 and 3... curious, mischievous and a mess most of the time. I'm stressed by this entire situation and I cry sometimes. That doesn't mean it's awful, doesn't mean I can't handle it. It doesn't mean I don't support my husband in his service. It means I'm human. It means I love them with everything I have, but I fall short of being a perfect wife or mom. I'm blessed to have married someone who accepts me for all of these things and loves me in spite of them. For children who love unconditionally and forgive when I make those first-time-mom mistakes.

I think the solution for days like this one might just be a cup of hot tea and a good book. Harry Potter, take me away....

1 comment:

  1. Everyone needs to be able to vent & be honest about whatever life is throwing at them. I wish I had balls the size of yours sometimes (figuratively speaking, of course!), you're always completely honest about however you're feeling at the moment!
