Tuesday, November 23, 2010


And so it begins. Back when myspace was cool, I blogged religiously about anything and everything. Looking back, some of it just didn't need to be said or documented- but there are also events I'm thankful to look back on. I love staying home and enjoying every (well, almost) single moment with my children and being present for every milestone. However, with two so close together, I would be lying if I said it didn't become a blur at times. Sometimes I feel like I should be writing it all down and documenting every single thing in their baby books. The moment I sit down to do so, there's hot pink chalk on the wall or someone has climbed up onto something they cannot get down from... so, this is my middle ground. Possibly a reference for the day I have time to sit down and catalog thousands of photographs and insert dates for the "first tooth" or finish a scrapbook. Till then, I'll record the day to day... adorable, horrible and everything in between here and from behind my camera. Meet the cast: :)

My husband, my hero.
Kegan, the idea guy.
Emily, the ornery.


  1. yay!! if my life ever becomes somewhat interesting and i actually have things to write about, i might start up a blog again too, lol. it's weird how much we used to rely on opendiary, xanga, myspace, etc.. and now people hardly blog anymore! i'm glad you're starting back up again.. i love hearing about those adorable kids of yours. :)

    love you!

  2. p.s. it's kinda awkward that my google account automatically made me sign my comments as "christine." i had to go in and change my gmail personal info to fix it cause it was bothering me. :)

  3. Christy... you're a KS girl, navy wife living in HAWAII. You picked up your life and got married and moved to one of the most gorgeous places on earth. Married your high school love... plus military wife life! You're a creative gal and a GREAT writer, you just have to WANT it. ;)
