Thursday, March 8, 2012

My quotable kids.

I have no idea where I'm going with this. I was planning to post some pictures of the house... Basically everything's done besides little man's room and the guest room. Got some pretty awesome stuff for K's walls but we've had some bad experiences with sticky tack so we're working out the kinks. Today we added a bean bag chair so he doesn't have to sit on the cold, hard floor while he plays his (educational) video games or reads his books, etc.
Both kids were absolutely hilarious today. I promised myself, family and friends a long time ago that I would document the hilarious and not-so pretty moments of their childhoods. So when they use words that make people (even me) blush... it's hard to want to put that out there for people who aren't in my inner circle. lol. However, I promised the good, the bad AND the ugly. So I get the kiddos bathed and dressed and send them to my bathroom so we can do their hair. I'm working on K's fauxhawk and Emily grabs my husbands deodorant and says "What's this, mom?" K-man didn't miss a beat... he said "It's for nipples." I about fell off the side of the bathtub. I had to explain to him the difference in space as to where it belongs. He understands sweat, etc. but apparently needs a lesson in male hygiene products. We try to teach our kids the right names for things... I know there's a lot of controversy between teaching them a socially acceptable name and the actual word for things, but I would prefer not to have a laundry list of code words to remember. We never used other words for bottles, pacifiers, diapers, tractors, cars, animals... so why do it for other things? So then he started asking for *gulp*... a brother. He informed me that I was, under no circumstances, to bring him another sister. lol. Out of curiousity, I asked him where babies come from expecting "From mommies" or "from your tummy" or something of that nature. Nope. He gets this "duh" look on his face and says "From the hospital, mom." In case you were wondering, there will NOT be another brother or sister. As of right now, not ever, just for the record. Just finding him friends at church and the park is enough. :) Let's see... a little less on the graphic side. It took me what felt like forever to get everyone's food on the table. They were all ravenous by 4:45 so I'm rushing to pull the roast out of the slow cooker and the potatoes out of the oven and the carrots were on the stove... so I am trying to fix their baked potatoes and get everything for them both at the same time. Baked potatoes are a little more involved than I remembered... butter, etc. and actually mashing them when they hadn't baked as long as -I- wanted them to. Everyone's sitting down and starting to eat before I've even pulled a plate out of the cabinet for myself. Keg stops what he's doing, gets this alarmed/concerned look on his face and says ... "My mommy makes ALLL this food and she doesn't even get to EAT it?" All I could think is that if he's this aware at 4 1/2... I must be doing something right. He's going to be a good man someday. <3 Even if he does put deodorant on his chest instead of his underarms. :)
Anyway... the big news around here from the last 2 weeks is that our little girl just up and decided she was done with pull-ups and potty trained herself. She decided and that was that... we had a few rough days and accidents but it's been over a week since the last one! So now every time she sees me leaving the restroom, she informs me that I'm a "big girl, good girl" and that she is "SO PROUD" of me. In 3 years this child didn't notice us using the big potty? haha. Then she's looking in the women's section at the store asking for underwear that are FAR too big for her because apparently she's decided she likes the designs better. So any tips on where I can find big girl toddler underwear that are NOT princess, plain or Dora themed would be appreciated! Not the grown-up-grown-up kind... polka dots, zebra stripes, etc. I found some at a store called "Ross" here... but she can't get enough and hubby and I want to encourage her as much as possible.

Big girl with her "I'm potty trained" gift. :)

Let's see... what else? I made a strawberry pretzel salad tonight that was to die for. It's got strawberry jello, frozen strawberries, crushed pineapple, crushed pretzel, cream cheese and whipped cream. My husband hates pretzels and jello. He loved it... and then tried to steal mine. Kiddos loved it as well! I had it when I was younger and never found a recipe or saw it anywhere else since.... so I've been waiting to make this for what feels like forever. Hubby wants to take some to work... huge hit! After roast, carrots and potatoes, it was a good night for food in this house. :) The wonderful, magical powers of pinterest.. bringing me childhood recipes I'd been missing for years!

What else? House pictures...
the uploader is all wonky today. I'll work on it.

The weather has been dreadful this week and I'm loving it. Getting a lot of deep cleaning and organizing done! Excited to hopefully finish little man's room this weekend. Putting up the superman picture of him that I blew up to poster size and framed this weekend with some prints we ordered from Etsy. Weee! (What has become of me that this is my idea of excitement?) ;)

Happy almost Friday everyone!

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