Sunday, March 27, 2011

Anyone can give up, it's the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's true strength.

So, my kids are 2 1/2 and almost 4 and are realllly starting to drive me bonkers. But, the cute things they do and say are also becoming more frequent. Kind of loving it. Last night I was sitting in K's room cleaning and sorting through every single one of his toys in all three of his toyboxes while we watched the original Toy Story together. This is the conversation that took place:

K-"Mom, will you take us to pizza planet right now?"
Mom- "No baby, it's late. We'll go someday with daddy."
K- "Daddy will take us tomorrow?"
Mom- "No, It'll be awhile before we can go."
K- "Daddy will take me. I'll cry about it."
Mom- "You're gonna cry to get what you want?"
K- [matter of factly] "Yep."

He doesn't cry to get what he wants, so this is truly hilarious. 

I have to think of things like this often because it's been pretty challenging lately. She's hitting that 2 1/2-3 fit throwing, independence seeking stage and he's learning new things (and new ways to back talk). I'd be fine dealing with them separately but they often form an alliance and I'm having to deal with it all at once. That combined with the big 2-4 only 10 days a way, I've been a little down. Not thrilled to be spending my birthday alone, be just a year away from 25 (5 years from 30!). Yeah, yeah... I'm young and I'm getting ahead of myself- I acknowledge that there are bigger reasons these things disburb me. I've put my life on hold to be with my babies and to support my husbands career. These things are worthwhile, my family is worth it. It doesn't mean I still don't have goals and things I'd like to accomplish. Ugh. I miss my love. Things are always happier, better and clearer when we're all together as a family.

So... Tangled comes out on Tuesday! Nebraska Furniture Mart has it for $9.99 for the first 300 guests (KS people!)... I will probably go with Target since they've got the 4 disc blu ray special edition and you get a free book with it. I'm excited! Probably more so than Em. ha.

Had an okay week.. finished season 6 of Grey's but I'm just going to wait till season 7 is on dvd and watch all the way through. Till then, I want to get season 1 and start all over... just because. We had a few playdates with our pseudo family and then met up on Thursday with mi madre and hermanas in
Topeka. Pics:
No one believes us that they're not only not twins, but not related at all.

Me, my babies and my sisters.

Mama and her two oldest babies.

"A woman under stress is not immediately concerned with finding solutions to her problems but rather seeks relief by expressing herself and being understood." -John Gray

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